Rose water: good for beauty and good health.

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Rose water is a water with a rose scent that is obtain by steam distilling rose petals, resulting in a rose water with a light rose scent and a slightly pink color.

The gentle scent of roses has the power to destroy anxiety, stress and sadness in our minds, as well as help relieve dizziness and headaches. Have you ever heard of flower therapy? Roses are a type of flower therapy. Therefore, it is not surprising that when you smell roses, your body will feel more relaxed. Or if you mix rose petals with warm water in a bathtub and soak, it can help calm your mind and eliminate distractions.

How to make rose water

Is made by distilling fresh rose petals using steam. The resulting liquid is call distillate. This process extracts the essential oils and distills the water into bottles.

To make rose water, you need to use fresh rose petals. If you want it to be good and safe, it should be organic roses, โปรโมชั่น ufabet, free from the use of chemical fertilizers and chemical fungicides.

Boil these petals in a pot and place a small cup in the center of the pot. Find a container that can be cover on top and place ice cubes on the outer lid to cool it down when the hot steam hits it. Then, the distilled water will be pour into the small cup in the center of the pot inside.

How to use rose water

  • Spray as a setting spray. Use as a setting spray. Spray directly on your face after applying makeup to help maintain moisture and make your face look more radiant.
  • Use to clean the face. Use a cotton pad soaked and wipe the face to cleanse it. This will remove dirt that remains on the face. This will make the skin clean, tighten pores, and prevent acne.
  • Clean the wound using rose water to clean the area around the wound to kill germs and prevent bacteria.
  • Hair mask: Mix into conditioner or treatment and apply to hair to nourish and prevent frizzy hair.

Rose water is a natural beauty product that has been use for centuries. It is known for its many benefits, most notably the benefits of roses for the skin, as a skin toner. Which helps reduce wrinkles and improves health. It is also popularly use as a beverage because of its mild flavor and aroma. So it can be flavore to taste, such as rose syrup.