Sushi is a food made by mixing rice with vinegar, forming it into balls, and topping it with meat, raw fish, or vegetables. Sometimes it is wrapp in seaweed and is often eating with soy sauce, wasabi, and pickled ginger.

The word sushi in Japan means seasoned rice, not fish. However, most people know sushi as a roll of seaw and fille with raw fish, cook meat, other side dishes and vegetables. Which are supplement with wasabi, pickl ginger and soy sauce. Sushi is popular in Japan. The rice used to make is season with vinegar to reduce the marinating time and is consider a seasoning.
How to eat sushi
- ยูฟ่าเบท not recommend eating sushi and rolls more than three times a week. Special attention should be paid to the quality of the fish, its freshness is the main criterion.
- Should be eating with ginger to reduce the harmful effects of raw fish and prevent the development of pathogenic microorganisms in the intestines.
Although sushi is consider a healthy food, consumers should eat it in moderation and be careful about the following risks:
- Is high in simple carbohydrates or sugars and refined flour. Eating too much can increase your risk of diabetes and heart disease.
- Contains salt. Consuming too much salt can increase your risk of high blood pressure or stomach cancer.
- Raw fish or raw seafood that is commonly use as sushi toppings may be at risk of contamination. With bacteria or parasites, which are the cause of many diseases such as food poisoning, liver fluke, etc. People with weak immune systems such as pregnant women, young children, or the elderly should avoid eating sushi topped with raw fish or seafood. In addition, some types of fish may be poisonous or at risk of contamination with toxins such as mercury, which can be dangerous and even fatal.
It also contains cucumbers, which are high in vitamin C and vitamin K and fiber, avocados , which are rich in monounsaturated fats, seaweed, which is high in iodine and fiber, and ginger, which has antioxidants. In addition, sushi contains key nutrients, including carbohydrates, fat, and protein, which provide a variety of energy sources.